Our Farm to your table


Owners, Justin and Jill Rodgers

Located in Prineville, OR

Located in Prineville, OR

Sunrise over the Ochoco Mountains

Nestled in a small fertile agricultural valley surrounded by rim-rocks in the foreground of the Ochoco Mountains, you can see why we made Central Oregon our home. We started raising cattle and operating our small farm so our family, neighbors, and community could benefit from a local food source that is healthier and free of preservatives, additives, and growth hormones. Conventional beef are raised in feedlots, fattened and finished on unnatural diets of grain, and often growth hormones and other fillers are added.

It has been our goal to provide locally sourced and grown fresh off the farm products for our family, friends, and local customers. In addition to raising our own animals, we partner with other local producers to source the highest quality all natural farm raised meat products. Our delicious beef is raised local on our small farm here in Prineville, OR and is 100% all natural grass-raised and finished from birth (with the occasional fall apple treat!).

We breed and raise American Aberdeen Angus (cattle breed developed from a herd of 100% Registered Angus established in Australia).

We take pride in raising our cattle naturally on open pastures using no growth hormones, grain, or antibiotics. We selected this small frame Angus breed since they are docile, calve with ease, and they are more efficient to feed. This breed yields a higher percentage of finished trimmed cut and wrapped product.

Smaller frame cattle breeds yield smaller cuts of meats which are healthier for the consumer especially when the cattle are naturally fattened and finished on high quality grasses and forages.

We Practice Regenerative Agriculture

Rotational grazing and other regenerative agriculture practices improve the health of our soils, conserves water, improves plant growth, reduces pests and weeds, and increases soil carbon sequestration and soil organic matter. In a broader sense, it leads to more productive farming, supports healthy communities and local food networks, and can reverse climate problems.    

Want to learn more about Regenerative Agriculture and the importance of soil health? Explore the link below and watch these videos:
